Sunday, 4 December 2011

Task 3; Constructing the Other

Compile an annotated photo essay that analyses the visual and linguistic construction of a specific other within a magazine, journal, periodical, newspaper, zine of your choice. Concentrate on how text supports image, and vice versa. You could focus on gender, race, class, sexuality, fashion, etc but make sure that you comment on how the construction of such an 'other' secures and stabilises the identity, and sense of self, of the publication's core audience

This article in The Guardian magazine reports about rape within the US military. We are presented with images of the victims and their stories seperated by advertisements for products and holidays. This is presenting othering, inbetween reading about these horrific events and experiences, the audience is encouraged to read the advertisement, becoming distracted from the article. We are not fully able to comprehend what has happened.

Advertisement for pubs alongside the title page for the article.

Boots advertisement placed next to accounts.

Holiday advertisement.

On each page, for each person recounting their experience, there is a photograph of them in the military and a photograph of them now. These photographs however, do not reflect the severity of the subject within the article. We hear about how no one would take the accusations seriously and are presented with statistics. The audience reads the numbers, 3,158 reported sexual crimes only 529 reaching the courtroom. These statistcs, although shocking, do not sink in as we turn the page to a make up advert and are distracted by this before carrying on reading.

This, the second Boots advertisement placed next to the article. These adverts for make up clearly aimed at women, presenting othering from the women and subject again as it is trying to draw the audience into buying make up. Placing this advert next to an article of rape against women seems insensitive and detatching the reader from the subject of the article.

The last part of the article is account of a man named Rick Tringale who experienced rape and became AWOL from the military as no one would believe him. Accompanying his story is an advertisement for Xbox.

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